La gestión de la geodiversidad mediante su integración con otros elementos del patrimonio natural y culturalAplicación a la reserva de la biosfera de Menorca

  1. A. Rodríguez
  2. F. de Pablo
El Patrimonio Geológico: Una nueva visión de la tierra
  1. Esther Martín González
  2. Juan J. Coello Bravo
  3. Juana Vegas Salamanca

Publisher: Instituto Geológico y Minero de España

ISBN: 978-84-9138-082-5

Year of publication: 2019

Pages: 129-134

Type: Book chapter


Under coverage of Biosphere Reserve, since 2013, Menorca is working in promoting knowledge and ensuring the protection of the insular geodiversity, with a project whose main objective is sensitizing the local population about the presence of a high valuable geological heritage on the island. In recent years, a large part of the developed activities to achieve this aim have shifted and have focused on disseminating the relationships between geodiversity, biodiversity, history and traditional culture, with geology as a central pretext. This approach seeks to be consistent with the principles and values of conservation and development advocated by the Biosphere Reserve. The proposed approach is having an excellent reception, allowing the involvement of a multidisciplinary team in this project and they really pull in the crowds, which allows the participation of a wider audience in the organized activities.