La otorrinolaringología en el nuevo baremo español de lesiones por tráfico
Universidad Complutense de Madrid
ISSN: 0377-4732
Year of publication: 2015
Volume: 41
Issue: 4
Pages: 153-155
Type: Article
More publications in: Revista española de medicina legal: órgano de la Asociación Nacional de Médicos Forenses
We have studied the sequels described in the otorhinolaryngology chapter of the new compensation scale for motor vehicle accidents. The design of the different sections has been improved but long-standing errors still remain, as those related to hearing disorders. There are significant and substantial issues that can and should be improved.
Bibliographic References
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- Courtat P, Elbaz P. Repáration du dommage corporel en oto-rhyno- laringologie. Paris: Masson; 1992.
- Borobia Fernández C. Valoración del da ̃no corporal. Pares cra- neales. Médula espinal. Sistema nervioso periférico. Barcelona: Elsevier-Masson; 2012