La internacionalización de las exposiciones de fomento de la economía en la segunda globalizaciónLa contribución de los progresistas españoles en el reinado de Isabel II

  1. José María Luxán Meléndez 1
  1. 1 Universidad Complutense de Madrid

    Universidad Complutense de Madrid

    Madrid, España

    ROR 02p0gd045

XXIV Coloquio de Historia Canario-Americana
  1. Elena Acosta Guerrero (coord.)

Publisher: Casa de Colón

Year of publication: 2021

Congress: Coloquio de Historia Canario-Americana (24. 2020. Las Palmas de Gran Canaria)

Type: Conference paper


In this work some institutional features of public policy for industrial society are analyzed. The governance of economic exhibitions in the second globalization is studied, the focus is placed on the biographical profile of the development ministers and the members of the Spanish commissions and juries in the exhibitions of the central decades of the XIX The intensity of government action is described and the reflection of national and international exhibitions in the Spanish press is quantified. The exhibition system has a multilevel and multisectoral governance model, some of a state initiative and others of civil society, an example of public-private collaboration, in which a nucleus formed by José Caveda, Alejandro Oliván and Francisco de Luxán, as well as for the decisive contribution of the Spanish progressives.