Gradiente Geotérmico Vertical y Flujo Térmico de la Sima de Benis (-320 m Cieza)tasa de deformación Cuaternaria en fallas-cueva activas
- R. Pérez-López 1
- E. Bañón 2
- J. Lario 3
- P.G. Silva 4
- M.A. Rodríguez-Pascua 1
- J. García-Mayordomo 1
- E.L. Pueyo 1
- A. Marcos-Nuez 5
- 1 IGME- Instituto Geológico y Minero de España
- 2 Grupo Espeleológico RESALTES
- 3 Facultad de Ciencias. UNED
Universidad de Salamanca
- 5 GERA – Grupo de Rescate en Altura. Bomberos de la Comunidad de Madrid
ISSN: 1576-5172
Argitalpen urtea: 2012
Zenbakien izenburua: VIII Congreso Geológico de España, Oviedo, 17-19 de julio, 2012.
Zenbakia: 13
Orrialdeak: 1527-1530
Mota: Artikulua
Beste argitalpen batzuk: Geotemas (Madrid)
In this work, we show the deep thermal profile of the Benis Cave (-350 m, Cieza, SE of Spain), which is related to the Benis Fault. This thermal profile was obtained from single rock point temperature measured over a period of 2 years. The temperature increases with depth, being, as a consequence, a reverse thermal profile. Based on this thermal profile, we have estimated that, over that period of time, the Vertical Geothermal Gradient is of 4.63ºC/100 m for the deep zone (-150-290 m). Furthermore, we have obtained a carbon dioxide profile, the values of which range between 650 and 880 ppm. Finally, on the basis of those data, we have calculated the Quaternary slip-rate for the fault-cave of Benis by estimating the shallow heat flow and the fault geometry. The slip-rate value ranges between 0.05- 0.04 mm/yr.