El problema de la personalidad en "L'avventura di un miope" de Gli amori difficili de Italo Calvino
ISSN: 1133-9527
Argitalpen urtea: 2005
Zenbakia: 12
Orrialdeak: 205-228
Mota: Artikulua
Beste argitalpen batzuk: Cuadernos de filología italiana
In this study we deal with an analysis of the strategies for personality and identity stregthening that are carried out by the principal character of this story, Amilcare Carruga.The evidence of a physical fact, his shortsightedness, starts a series of events derived from his decisions.Thus, being initially an individual which, according to the typology established by Pavlov, was equilibrated (or almost so) as he reacts at first to the occurring facts in a correct, harmonious and proportionate way, he changes later into the inert type, whose inertia oscillates between excitement and inhibition, and ends up being of the inhibited type, characterized by an excessive blocking of his behaviour, as we can see in the last words of the text: «quell¿esaltazione (...) era stata l¿ultima della sua vita, e adesso era finita».