Prospección geofísica por tomografía eléctrica en el abrigo de Sopeña (Asturias, N de España)

  1. Ana Cristina Pinto-Llona
  2. Enrique Aracil Avila
Cadernos do Laboratorio Xeolóxico de Laxe: Revista de xeoloxía galega e do hercínico peninsular

ISSN: 0213-4497

Argitalpen urtea: 2021

Zenbakia: 43

Orrialdeak: 89-100

Mota: Artikulua

DOI: 10.17979/CADLAXE.2021.43.0.8770 DIALNET GOOGLE SCHOLAR lock_openSarbide irekia editor

Beste argitalpen batzuk: Cadernos do Laboratorio Xeolóxico de Laxe: Revista de xeoloxía galega e do hercínico peninsular


A geophysical survey analysis is carried out using electrical resistivity tomography (ERT) in the Sopeña shelter (Asturias) and its immediate area. The shelter contains an interesting Upper Middle Palaeolithic and Early Upper Palaeolithic site, revealed in an archaeological test pit up to 3 metres deep without having reached the bedrock. Its current entrance is protected by large blocks fallen from the ledge, covered by thick stalagmitic flows. This arrangement possibly testifies to an original position of the innermost human occupation zone, inside a larger cave. Through this analysis we have located several possible sedimentary fills at a certain depth on the outside of the shelter. This opens up the possibility of sampling these fills in the future, in search of possible older occupation levels.

Erreferentzia bibliografikoak

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  • Pinto-Llona, A.C., Clark, G., Karkanas, P., Blackwell, B., Skinner, A., Andrews, P., Reed, K., Miller, A., Macías Rosado, R., Wakiparta, J. 2012. The Sopeña Rockshelter, a new site in Asturias (Spain) bearing evidence on the Middle and Early Upper Palaeolithic in Northern Iberia. Munibe (Antropologia-Arkeologia) 63, 45—79.
  • Pinto-Llona, A.C., Grandal d'Anglade, A. 2019. Conflicting 14C scenarios in the Sopeña cave (northern Iberia): Dating the Middle-Upper Palaeolithic boundary by non-ultrafiltered versus ultrafiltered AMS 14C. Quaternary International 522, 1—11.