Viajes y viajeros en la Edad Media

  1. María del Pilar Carceller Cerviño coord.

Editorial: La Ergástula

ISBN: 978-84-16242-80-1

Ano de publicación: 2021

Tipo: Libro


Although the Middle Ages can be considered as a time full of handicaps due to the limited resources that medieval men and women had for their displacements, and their purposes for undertaking them may seem scarce, the myths about this historical period are being gradually eradicated. All the works collected in this book show us that the mobility of medieval men and women was common, and they reveal new reasons and interpretations about the experience of the journey. Although their motivations to travel could be different from those that move us today, and their resources and knowledge about the world around them were more limited, they did not stop having the same desires or even the same needs for to travel, to discover, to reach, to occupy and to dream of new places like us