Estrategia para la activación del territorio y el paisaje de la huerta de Murcia

  1. Santa-Cruz Alemán, Juan Antonio
  2. Santa-Cruz García, Juan Antonio
  3. Santa-Cruz Garcfa, Carmen
  4. Esquiva López, Javier
  5. Lorente Martínez, Beatriz
XXVII Jornadas de Patrimonio Cultural Región de Murcia: 5, 19, 26 de octubre y 2 de noviembre de 2021
  1. Pedro-Enrique Collado Espejo (dir. congr.)
  2. Juan García Sandoval (dir. congr.)
  3. Ángel Iniesta Sanmartín (dir. congr.)

Editorial: Instituto de Patrimonio Histórico ; Gobierno de la Región de Murcia

ISBN: 978-84-7564-807-1

Ano de publicación: 2021

Páxinas: 381-387

Congreso: Jornadas de Patrimonio Cultural de la Región de Murcia (27. 2021. Cartagena)

Tipo: Achega congreso


The growth of the city of Murcia is devastating the surrounding Huerta. The urban footprint is erasing the ancient heritage that gave rise to the founding of the city. 7he urban planning developed to date, without identity criteria or territorial values, is generating an increasing population that is disconnected from its past and its natural environment in a city with a thousand years of Huerta history. This work on the territory and the environmental, patrimonial and human landscape of the Huerta de Murcia, brings together various interventions that address the attraction and improvement of this degraded environment from perspectives like research, dissemination, design and creation of various products (digital, services, training-educational, informative and architectural). You cannot respect or love what you do not know, and knowing our territory is the basis of sustainable development.