Más allá de la retóricala sociedad vigilante

  1. Javier Roiz
Revista SAAP: Sociedad Argentina de Análisis Político

ISSN: 1853-1970

Año de publicación: 2012

Volumen: 6

Número: 2

Tipo: Artículo

Otras publicaciones en: Revista SAAP: Sociedad Argentina de Análisis Político

Objetivos de desarrollo sostenible


At the present time political theory finds itself in a globalized society where life is presented, on the one hand, full of doubts, and on the other, before an extraordinarily broad horizon. The State, a franchise of European creation, is at its peak. Its global extension confirms it as a formidable success as a mechanism of public engineering, a device that articulates our society throughout the planet.The idea is to understand the reasons for some hidden elements in its architecture. This paper reviews that new society that arose in the thirteenth: a vigilant society. This line criticizes the executive face of politics and recovers the tradition of the authentic and genuine rhetoric. It assumes a liberation from the assumptions currently in force in twentieth-century political science that are centered on the vigilant characteristics of the State. The new political theory defends the importance of the democratic government of the life of each person.