La alimentación en el niño¿es importante también cuándo come? Los ritmos circadianos en la alimentación infantil
- José Manuel Moreno Villares
- C. Esteve Cornejo
- María José Galiano Segovia
- Jaime Dalmau Serra
ISSN: 0001-6640
Argitalpen urtea: 2019
Alea: 77
Zenbakia: 7-8
Orrialdeak: 130-134
Mota: Artikulua
Beste argitalpen batzuk: Acta pediátrica española
During the last decades several observational studies have been published linking disruption of the endogenous circadian clock to metabolic dysfunction, associated to obesity or type 2 diabetes. Studies in infants and children are scarce. In this review, some basic concepts on the mechanisms of the internal clock will be reviewed, when related to nutrition. The consequences of this disynchrony will be also commented. Two recent studies have linked the risk of having a higher body mass index in childhood in those infants who have more frequent meals during nightime. No current studies have been performed in other ages, except for those skipping breakfast (increased risk of excess of weight). Although there are no clear evidences te make robust recommendations, common sense suggests that adapting meal times (and composition) to energy needs along the day may help to adquire a healthy lifestyle and to prevent cardiometabolic diseases in adulthood.