De exercitu conciliila milicia concejil de Teruel durante la Baja Edad Media

  1. Alejandro Ríos Conejero
Revista Universitaria de Historia Militar

ISSN: 2254-6111

Year of publication: 2019

Issue Title: Terrorismo de Estado en Latinoamérica durante la segunda mitad del siglo XX

Volume: 8

Issue: 17

Pages: 122-145

Type: Article

More publications in: Revista Universitaria de Historia Militar


This essay is aimed to analyze the urban militia in a Late Medieval border settlement. The men belonging to this militia and its division into horsemen and foot troops — a distinction which went beyond the military field and marked important social differences in border society — will be observed, as well as their organization and central activities. Furthermore, certain economic aspects and the consequences of organized sacking for border regions will be equally explored. Even though historiography has already examined South Castile council armies, there are but a few studies on Aragon ́s southern border. The goal of this paper is thus to analyze one of the Aragonese border villas and, in doing so, to make up for the lack of related studies. The present work is focused on Teruel, the town furthest south in Aragon kingdom. Founded as a border bastion in the face of the muslin territories on eastern Iberia, which produced a very particular society, Teruel constitutes hence the paradigm of border settlement. Many of its distinctive features did not disappear even after the conquest of Valencia as it continued to act as borderland, now to the Christian kingdom of Castile.This study is based on various documental sources such as Teruel ́s legal code (a legislation originated in the 13th century which remained in force until the 16th century) and Teruel ́s Chronicle of Judges, a manuscript in which the people of Teruel noted down the events that were deemed important at the time. Other, unpublished documents from Teruel’s archives (Provincial Historical Archive of Teruel, the Cathedral ́s Archive and the Archive of the General Ecclesiastical Chapter of the town) will also be analyzed to ascertain whether Teruel’s laws and regulations were abided or not, resorting to specific examples.

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