Abordaje y prevención del comportamiento suicida en el sistema sanitario españolenfoque, límites y riesgos

  1. Juan García Haro
  2. Hénar García Pascual 1
  3. Marta González González 2
  4. Mónica T. Sánchez Pérez 3
  5. Sara Barrio Martínez 4
  1. 1 Servicio de Salud del Principado de Asturias (SESPA)

    Servicio de Salud del Principado de Asturias (SESPA)

    Oviedo, España

  2. 2 Red de Salud Mental de Araba. Osakidetza. Euskadi
  3. 3 Servicio Madrileño de Salud. Madrid.
  4. 4 Instituto de Investigación Marqués de Valdecilla (IDIVAL). Cantabria
Cuadernos de Psiquiatría comunitaria

ISSN: 1578-9594

Year of publication: 2020

Issue Title: Pensar el Suicidio: La Mirada Clínica

Volume: 17

Issue: 1

Pages: 56-81

Type: Article

More publications in: Cuadernos de Psiquiatría comunitaria


In recent years, suicide prevention has become a priority in the health policies of many countries. There is no National Suicide Prevention Plan in Spain. This is the reason why the health services of almost all the Autonomous Communities have incorporated suicide prevention and treatment strategies, plans and/or protocols within their priority areas of care. It is worth asking what are the premises underlying these strategies and whether it is possible to think about suicide from alternative models. The objective of this article is to describe and discuss, from a critical perspective but based on clinical practice, the standard approach of suicide risk as applied in the spanish healthcare system. It is concluded that this approach follows a basically biomedical model, which can be not only ineffective but even counterproductive if it is conceived as primary and not as another branch of the psychosocial trunk of prevention.

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