Identificazione e analisi dei contenuti nautici nel Periplo dello Ps.Scilace ..


ISSN: 0210-7694

Year of publication: 2021

Issue: 52

Pages: 9-30

Type: Article

More publications in: Habis


The Periplus of Ps.-Skylax is a con troversial document. In the late ’70s, the philol ogist Peretti stated that it could be considered as “the first Mediterranean seafarer’s guide”. How ever, his view has been repeatedly challenged by other scholars, who have refuted his claim by highlighting that nautical details are too discon- tinuous to be of use to sailors. This contribution recalls Peretti’s hypothesis, though it will not use it to make assumptions on the purpose of the text; rather it aims to identify and analyse the contents that may be derived from earlier nautical sources.

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