Historia del Ministerio de Trabajo, 1977-1981el comienzo y la consolidación de la democracia
Universidad Complutense de Madrid
ISSN: 0210-8364
Datum der Publikation: 2021
Nummer: 99
Seiten: 239-256
Art: Artikel
Andere Publikationen in: Sociología del Trabajo
From a historical perspective, the period 1977-1981 constitutes one of the most important in the history of the Ministry of Labor (ML).From a political point of view, the ML was an agent of the first order, not only for the recovery of freedoms in labor relations, but also for the restoration of democracy in Spain. During this time sequence, the ML will know the end of the political transition, witnessing such important events as the first democratic elections (1977) and the approval of the Constitution, 1978. In short, the ML will be a relevant agent in the creation and constitution of the Social and Democratic State. Second, the organic and functional scope of the ML will also be noticeable. Let us highlight the constitution in 1978 of the National Employment Institute, attributing to the ML the set of functions inherent to employment policies. Finally, a notable importance had the legislative aspect in labor matters. Prior to the Constitution, the ML will be an active engine in the restoration in Spain of democratic freedoms in the field of labor relations: ratification by Spain of ILO Conventions 87 and 98, recognition of the right to strike and, in short, the consecration of the freedoms of business association and workers. And already in the constitutional period, the Workers’ Statute, 1980, which, without prejudice to its multiple modifications, continues to constitute the basic labor norm of the Spanish legal system.
Bibliographische Referenzen
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