Hornos de azufre de Moharque (Moratalla, Murcia), un patrimonio minero a recuperar

  1. L. Arrufat Milán 1
  2. Mª. A. Alias Linares 1
  3. J. F. Rosillo Martínez 1
  4. G. Romero Sánchez 1
  5. J. Rodríguez Sánchez
  6. C. Sobrado Calvo
  7. N. Torrente García 1
  8. F. Guillén-Mondéjar 1
  1. 1 Departamento de Química Agrícola, Geología y Edafología. Facultad de Química. Universidad de Murcia
El patrimonio geológico y minero: identidad y motor de desarrollo
  1. Luis Mansilla Plaza (dir. congr.)
  2. Josep Mª Mata Perelló (dir. congr.)

Éditorial: Instituto Geológico y Minero de España

ISBN: 978-84-9138-081-8

Année de publication: 2019

Pages: 971-989

Congreso: Sociedad Española para la Defensa del Patrimonio Geológico y Minero. Sesión Científica (21. 2017. Almadén, Ciudad Real)

Type: Communication dans un congrès


The sulphur deposits of the mining sector developed in Hellín not only took place in the village of Minas, but they also arose on the right bank of the Segura river, more specifically, in the neighbouring town of Moratalla, which belongs to the region of Murcia; although these mines were less relevant. Notwithstanding, due to the oblivion of these mining sites, today we find a landscape and a precious mining heritage that must be preserved. In this paper, we refer in particular to the furnaces of Mobarque, placed in the Salmeron village, in Moratalla, that gave service to the mining concessions of Guillermo, Mari Paz, Enrique, San Benito, San Esteban, María Luisa and San Valentín. The ensemble is formed by two oven batteries of the Claret kind where restoration work is highly required in order to preserve the only furnaces of this type that remain in this mining site. The heritage value that these facilities represent, together with the scenic, didactic and geological value of the area justify their preservation and rehabilitation. Consequently, the possibility of performing didactic, touristic and leisure activities would increase, and so contributing to the maintaining and protecting these unique buildings in the Region of Murcia.