Sarcófagos lapídeos de la iglesia tardoantigua de Pilar de la Legua (Almadén, Ciudad Real). Contexto arqueológico y caracterización mineralógica y geoquímica

  1. Germán Esteban Borrajo
  2. Mar Zarzalejos Prieto 1
  3. Patricia Hevia Gómez 2
  4. Luis Mansilla Plaza 3
  5. Pablo Higueras Higueras 3
  6. José María Esbrí 3
  1. 1 UNED, Madrid
  2. 2 UNED, Madrid; JCCM, Toledo
  3. 3 UCLM/EIMI, Almadén, Ciudad Real
El patrimonio geológico y minero: Identidad y motor de desarrollo
  1. Luis Mansilla Plaza (dir. congr.)
  2. Josep Mª Mata Perelló (dir. congr.)

Publisher: Instituto Geológico y Minero de España

ISBN: 978-84-9138-081-8

Year of publication: 2019

Pages: 391-403

Congress: Sociedad Española para la Defensa del Patrimonio Geológico y Minero. Sesión Científica (21. 2017. Almadén, Ciudad Real)

Type: Conference paper


In autumn 2014 the archaeological excavation of the sites of Arroyo de la Pila and Pilar de la Legua (Almadén, Spain) began, thanks to the subvention granted by the Regional Government of Castilla-La Mancha, and included in the research project I+D+i: “Territory, hierarchies and socioeconomic relations in he northern slope of Sierra Morena” (ref HAR2012-34422). In successive years, the archaeological work has continued in Pilar de la Legua , where interesting remains of a late-antiquity church (7th century) have been exhumed. In this research context and complementing the archaeological interventions, analyses are being carried out on different materials located in the site. In this case, we present the results of portable X-ray Fluorescence (FRXP), Tabletop X-Ray Fluorescence (FRXS), RAMAN Spectrometry and Zeeman-specific atomic absorption spectroscopy for gaseous mercury, carried out by the Institute of Applied Geology (UCLM) on the burial structures inside the church, two stone sarcophagi and the brick covering of one of the cists. The result of these analyses has allowed us to propose the location of the extraction sites of the analyzed stone materials and to approach the construction processes of Late Antiquity in the Region of Almadén.