El foro global contra el terrorismo y la reestructuración de la política contraterrorista de Estados Unidos durante la administración ObamaOportunidades y problemas

  1. David J. Garcia Cantalapiedra

Year of publication: 2015

Issue: 3

Type: Article


The Global Counterterrorism Forum was born in 2011 as a consultative forum for the fight against terrorism, using a distinctive approach to combat it based on a search for social strategies. It has been one of the most innovative pillars of the US counterterrorism policy review in its international facet from the cancellation of the GWOT in 2010. Although this review, created from the idea of using "Smart Power" in foreign policy, has introduced new strategies and tools of great value, he also has created a number of issues about the internal consistency of a policy that aims to be comprehensive and its role within the international regime for combating terrorism. At the same time it has opened a fierce debate due to its perception as a means of rapprochement with Turkey and other Muslim states by the US, especially given the progressive deterioration of relations between the two states since 2003, while excluding Israel from the forum.