Repercusión de las últimas ampliaciones de la Unión Europea en la economía españolalos flujos migratorios hacia España

  1. Casado Francisco, Montserrat
Papeles del Este: Transiciones poscomunistas

ISSN: 1576-6500

Datum der Publikation: 2007

Nummer: 15

Art: Artikel

Andere Publikationen in: Papeles del Este: Transiciones poscomunistas


This work analyses the impact of the two most recent expansions of the European Union on the Spanish economy in terms of the migratory waves coming from the new member states. Official Spanish sources and a survey focusing on the communities of Polish and Romanian citizens constitute the analytical basis of the study. The results demonstrate the economic character of this immigration; it is made up of young people with family situations that do not represent an extreme impediment to immigration and with an average level of education. They have chosen Spain because the country offers more numerous job openings and better salaries. Overall, the... (Ver más) effect on the Spanish economy is positive in two ways; on the one hand, by complementing, rather than competing with, the national labour pool, and on the other hand, by contributing to aggregate demand. In any case, the situation of Bulgarian and Romanian citizens is markedly different from that of workers from the last ten countries to join the European Union.