Entrenando la gestión positiva y el afrontamiento del conflicto para la optimización del engagement y las prácticas saludables en organizaciones sanitarias

  1. Gallego Granero, Enrique
Dirigida per:
  1. Inmaculada Armadans Tremolosa Director/a

Universitat de defensa: Universitat de Barcelona

Fecha de defensa: 17 de de desembre de 2019

  1. Juan Carlos Revilla Castro President
  2. Rita Berger Secretari/ària
  3. María Celeste Dávila de León Vocal

Tipus: Tesi

Teseo: 681596 DIALNET


Positive psychology currently allows the development of interactions that promote human well-being. The concept of integral health and the need to achieve it are becoming increasingly popular, and this requires the optimisation of a large number of elements. Conflicts, in the healthcare work environment, present some common characteristics found in other work environments such as high tensions in the workplace, the multiplicity of assigned roles, lack of resources and the complex interrelationships. The object of this doctoral thesis is to link positive psychology and management appreciative of conflict, through the development and implementation of a specific training program. The main objective is to evaluate the incidence in the optimization ofspecific elements such as engagement, health organizational practices and redirection towards more adaptive conflict coping styles, mainly towards an integrative style, by health workforce. The methodology uses a preexperimental pre and post training design, with quantitative data coming from a battery of questionnaires, and qualitative data obtained through three focus group aimed at obtaining information about reality and existing ideas about conflict, its organizational management in health institutions, and positive psychology. The results obtained show how the training executed contributes to the increase of engagement, of the confrontation of the conflict from an integrative style and the elements of health organizations, evidencing significant positive correlations between them. The main conclusion is the valuable contribution that this psychological current can exert on more optimal conflict management among workers in sanitary organizations. Finally, the utility of this line of research is advocated for future research, in order to create true positive, healthy and with adequate capacity and tools for proper conflict management, promoting, as a final goal, quality and welfare.