El matrimonio en los escritos de san Ignacio de Loyolacontexto, historia y diseño pastoral

  1. Guerrero Rodríguez, Pablo
Supervised by:
  1. José García de Castro Valdés Director

Defence university: Universidad Pontificia Comillas

Fecha de defensa: 20 December 2021

  1. José Ramón Busto Saiz Chair
  2. Fernando Millán Romeral Secretary
  3. Alfonso Salgado Ruiz Committee member
  4. Rufino Meana Peón Committee member
  5. José García de Castro Valdés Committee member

Type: Thesis


The thesis deals with the study of Ignatius of Loyola's conception of marriage. All Ignatian texts that refer to this topic are compiled and commented. It is also considered whether there are elements in the spirituality of Ignatius of Loyola that allow us to speak with foundation of Ignatian pastoral ministry of marriage. The Ignatian elements and criteria that must be taken into account when designing, for our times, an authentically Ignatian pastoral ministry of marriage are pointed out and studied. The thesis aims to know and study in depth the conception that Ignatius, in his worldview and spirituality, as well as in his historical context, had of marriage. This study also looks to the present and offers an advance in pastoral design for working with couples and marriages in our times.