Asociación entre estilo de vida y situación nutricional en escolares españoles

  1. Peral Suarez, Africa Laura
unter der Leitung von:
  1. Beatriz Navia Lombán Doktormutter
  2. J. M. Perea Doktorvater
  3. Rosa María Ortega Anta Doktormutter

Universität der Verteidigung: Universidad Complutense de Madrid

Fecha de defensa: 01 von Oktober von 2021

  1. Aranzazu Aparicio Vizuete Präsidentin
  2. Liliana G. González Rodríguez Sekretärin
  3. Pablo Veiga Herreros Vocal
  4. Esther Cuadrado Soto Vocal
  5. Francesco Visioli Vocal
  1. Nutrición y Ciencia de los Alimentos

Art: Dissertation


One of the determinants of health in both adult and child populations is lifestyle, which can be defined as a collective pattern of health-related behaviours. To be considered healthy, a lifestyle must maintain a balance between diet, physical activity and exercise, rest, hygiene, psychological factors such as stress management, recreational time (especially outdoors), social relationships and relationship with the environment. Traditionally, different lifestyle factors have been independently related to nutritional status, but recent studies suggest that it is the combination of these factors which determines the presence or absence of nutritional problems. However,there are few studies carried out in the Spanish school population that analyse the relationship of the different lifestyle factors with each other and with nutritional status. OBJECTIVES: The aim of the present study is to evaluate the different lifestyle components, analysing adherence to current movement guidelines, detecting possible lifestyle determinants in schoolchildren and analysing the relationship of these behaviours with dietary intake and other indicators of health status. METHODS: A cross-sectional observational study was designed in a group of schoolchildren between 7 and 11 years of age, belonging to different geographical areas of Spain, taking samples from rural/semi-urban and urban areas. Finally, a sample of 364 boys and girls from 6 different Spanish provinces was included in this study...