Musica en la escuelaclaves para una educación inclusiva

  1. García Calvo, Olga
Dirigée par:
  1. Alejandro Iborra Cuéllar Directeur/trice
  2. Julio Andrés Blasco García Co-directeur/trice

Université de défendre: Universidad de Alcalá

Fecha de defensa: 09 novembre 2021

  1. Víctor Pérez Samaniego President
  2. Esther Rivas Rivero Secrétaire
  3. Laura Rayón Rumayor Rapporteur

Type: Thèses

Teseo: 156575 DIALNET lock_openTESEO editor


At the beginning of the 21st century, after having made remarkable progress on technology and medicine and reached Mars among many other achievements, we are still stuck at the basis of our social, work and economic chart: education. After working in the classroom as students, teachers and researchers for years, we have become aware of the pressing need for change. Society is moving forward, but education is not. What is more, in some cases, it even prevents society from making progress. The so-called Inclusive Education, now so much in vogue, is just a mere chimera of what it should be. Ordinary schools still do not offer people with functional diversity an education suited to their individual needs and specific characteristics. In fact, as we have seen, these students remain a ‘burden’ for many of these schools, which try to ‘get rid of’ these students transferring them to specific institutions. This thesis is an ethnographic study carried out in the course of several years in different schools in the province of Guadalajara where, from the music department, we have observed, analyzed and documented the reality that these students face in the classrooms, as well as the difficulties that teachers and specialists encounter in the schools to guide them in their education. Throughout this research, we have included numerous examples of what is now being done, in our view incorrectly, if our aim is to make inclusive education a reality in our classrooms. Our experience has led us to consider the subject of music a starting point to attain the inclusive education we desire although, unfortunately, this subject has nowadays less importance and presence in the school curriculum in Spain. We have presented a great number of surveys, interviews and real cases, whose objective is to show, without restrictions, this reality which some do not see or refuse to see.