El enjuiciamiento preliminar de la falta notoria de legitimación. Un supuesto de sentencia inmediata

  1. Jesús Zarzalejos Nieto
Revista General de Derecho Procesal

ISSN: 1696-9642

Year of publication: 2022

Issue: 56

Type: Article

More publications in: Revista General de Derecho Procesal


The examination of the substantive or ad causam standing precedes the resolution of the conflict between the parties and constitutes the presupposition for its judgment by the court. As a rule, the decision on whether a party has or lacks substantive standing is part of the ruling that terminates the declaratory proceedings after the oral trial. However, treating separately the standing as an assumption of the hearing on the merits, allows considering the possibility to issue an immediate ruling, without an oral trial, that dismisses a claim, by way of a motion filed by the defendant or by the court’s own motion, when the lack of standing is evident in light of the documents filed together with the claim or the answer to the claim, or the allegations submitted by the parties either at the preliminary hearing of the ordinary proceedings or at the beginning of the hearing in oral proceedings (juicio verbal).

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