Una lectura shakesperiana de Enrico IV de Luigi Pirandello

  1. Macías Borrego, Manuel
Dirigida por:
  1. Elisa Martínez Garrido Directora

Universidad de defensa: Universidad Complutense de Madrid

Fecha de defensa: 05 de noviembre de 2021

  1. Mirella Marotta Péramos Presidenta
  2. Chiara Cappuccio Secretaria
  3. Milagro Martín Clavijo Vocal
  4. Mercedes González de Sande Vocal
  5. Vicente González Martín Vocal
  1. Estudios Románicos, Franceses, Italianos y Traducción

Tipo: Tesis


This Doctoral Thesis has been designed following a four chapters structure, naturally followed by the bibliography reference section. The first chapter located right after the summary, in both Spanish and English, is the introduction to this Thesis. Then, after that first introductory chapter, the reader can find a preliminary chapter that under the title ‘towards acomparative study of Hamlet and Enrico IV’ serves, both, as a methodology and a definition of the object of the study. The third chapter of this Thesis is the core and result of the investigation process itself: ‘the comparative study’,which is followed, in its natural position, by the ‘general conclusions’. The last structural piece of the Thesis is the ‘bibliography section’. The third chapter, as we have already mentioned, our comparative study, is preceded by a rather short chapter which we consider vital to thisThesis. In this second chapter some of the key aspects and theories of the study are discussed and analyzed in much less detail but those analyses serve as basis and theoretical ground for what will be discussed in the following sections of this Thesis. In a way, this second chapter ‘cracks down’ the playsand help us define clearly what is each play really in our reading...