Propuesta de formalización de las locuciones nominales para un diccionario electrónico español
- 1 Universidad Complutense de Madrid, España
- Barrios Rodríguez, María Auxiliadora (coord.)
ISSN: 0212-7636, 2171-6692
Ano de publicación: 2021
Título do exemplar: De la palabra y las palabras. Trabajos de Lexicología y Fraseología
Número: 36
Páxinas: 67-87
Tipo: Artigo
Outras publicacións en: ELUA: Estudios de Lingüística. Universidad de Alicante
Spanish nominal idioms are adequately rich to constitute a vast range of expressions of evaluation and judgment both about people and situations, however this predicative use of idioms is not so explicit in the dictionaries. In fact, Spanish dictionaries collect this kind of idioms grouped by their form: for instance the entry of the dictionary for canela (cinnamon) includes canela en rama (stick cinnamon) and canela en polvo (cinnamon powder). This methodology of collection of idioms is correct but not useful for the semantic analysis of non-literal senses: actually canela en rama has three senses in Spanish: 1. stick cinnamon; 2. delightful person; 3. outstanding object. Electronic dictionaries demand a formal and correct way to show nominal idioms’ semantic features and their syntactic structure. However, sources on which e-dictionaries are based offer data that can be contradictory for any disambiguator. In order to solve these problems, this paper proposes a new formalization of nominal idioms within the Meaning-Text Theory, according to their semantic and syntactic behavior. It is based on a corpus of seven hundred and seventy-six nominal idioms, which was created ad hoc for Diretes, a Spanish electronic dictionary. This proposal allows the readers of the dictionary to arrive at non-literal senses: for instance, the reader can arrive at canela en rama (stick cinnamon) not only from the word canela (cinnamon), as in other dictionaries, but from the adjectives extraordinario (delightful) and excepcional (otustanding). The paper presents some results and concludes that, despite the small size of the corpus, this work is a first step for the validation of the proposed typology of nominal idioms.
Información de financiamento
Esta investigación se ha realizado en el curso del proyecto “Diretes: Diccionario Reticular Español. Diccionario analógico y relacional con acceso en red desde el sentido y desde la forma” (FFI-2017-83293), financiado por el Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovación y Universidades, y por fondos europeos (FEDER).Financiadores
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