Geoeconomic capabilities implementationa contemporary geo-strategy for international primacy (case of china)

  1. AL Khawly, Nehme
unter der Leitung von:
  1. Jorge de Andrés Sánchez Doktorvater/Doktormutter
  2. Mario Arias Oliva Doktorvater

Universität der Verteidigung: Universitat Rovira i Virgili

Fecha de defensa: 09 von Juli von 2021

  1. Orlando Manuel Martins Marques de Lima Rua Präsident/in
  2. Fouad Nohra Sekretär/in
  3. Gamal M Hamad Vocal

Art: Dissertation

Teseo: 691773 DIALNET lock_openTDX editor


Besides the shift of economic and financial power from western to eastern countries, and particularly to China, a fundamental shift from geopolitics to geoeconomics is recently redefining the international geo-strategies of the states. The thesis discusses how geoeconomics is being applied as a new geo-strategy to attain global order, instead of the traditional military means and warfare. It highlights the shift that is happening from geopolitics to geoeconomics and studies whether economic means will completely replace military ones in bilateral wars. Specifically, this research explores what has China been aiming for since the collapse of the Soviet Union by implementing its geoeconomic capabilities, and whether by following this geo-strategy it is going to achieve international primacy. Eurasia is being now the center of attention of all the great powers, since controlling its lands may end up in controlling the destinies of the world, and this is actually the main purpose of the global policies of the competing states. Therefore, the thesis places much emphasis on Eurasia, for which most of the geopolitical theoreticians have given great importance to control the destinies of the world, and therefore the region in which China has concentrated its main foreign policy initiatives and promoted its geoeconomic interests. And since Eurasia is Russia’s backyard, the thesis studies the impact of China’s geo-strategy on its bilateral relations with the Russian Federation, whether in realizing a regional integration or leading to a non-ending rivalry between them. The need for this research is to shed light on this special Chinese phenomenon in the world; it answers many questions about this topic, to know more about the fact behind its ascendance, the strategies adopted to attain all the targets, and the special method utilized by the Chinese government since the collapse of the Soviet Union. Besides, the thesis talks about the Eurasian region as a rich subject for the studies and research of the students of political sciences and international relations on one hand, and for the experts, strategists and analysts on the other, knowing that it is a “heavy material” for strategic studies. This is in addition to the fact that the rise of China is an important phenomenon attracting all the “scientific eyes and brains” of the world to analyze its impacts on their states, and to put and develop strategies in order to confront it or cooperate with it. And since the international scene is witnessing today unprecedented and unpredictable changes in term of the foreign policies of the states toward each other’s, or in term of their internal strategies of development, this topic was chosen, hoping that this thesis will add a valuable page to the huge book of international relations, in order to satisfy the curiosity of knowledge we all have. The topic is a multidisciplinary one, in which it falls within three disciplines: Political Science, International Relations, and Political Economy. Theoretically, the importance of the topic is that it contributes to both the realist and liberal schools of thought and to the body of knowledge in the field of strategic studies and geopolitics, and provides this field with a comprehensive definition for Geoeconomics. Practically, this topic helps states understand new patterns and means of foreign policy making and pursuing state interests, allows nations to adopt strategies and measures in their dealing with China, and shows the importance of the relation between domestic and foreign policies. The main problem statement that the thesis turns around is: "What is the Chinese government, through implementing its geoeconomic powers and capabilities as a new geo-strategy to invest in its national and international geopolitical interests, aiming for since the collapse of the Soviet Union? And what are the impacts of this new geo-strategy on its bilateral relations with the Russian federation? Will it contribute positively in realizing a regional integration or negatively in leading to a non-ending rivalry between them?" In other words, how is the world’s order affected by China’s geoeconomic capabilities and potentials? And what are the impacts of its new geo-strategy? In order to treat the presented problem statement, it was appropriate first to analyze secondary data by adopting the descriptive – analytical and comparative methodology, and then carry out an empirical qualitative research following the inductive approach, whereby primary data collected from in-depth interviews were analyzed to elicit definitive conclusions. The data collection tools used are semi-structured questions and the sampling method chosen is the non-random persuasive sampling which required the careful selection of eleven participants based on their knowledge and expertise in the field. The main results concluded are that China is having an intangible aim to rule the world by reaching a large scope of international primacy, expanding its capabilities, and shaping the future of Eurasia. The Sino-Russian relations are proved to be complex with no clear image regarding their reality. And while results have also shown that there is a shift happening from geopolitics to geoeconomics, it is not yet complete outside China.