La potencialidad escénica en los textos de Rodrigo García

  1. Bravo Tena, Eduardo Manuel
Supervised by:
  1. Paul Quinn-Judge Director

Defence university: Universidad de Alcalá

Fecha de defensa: 28 October 2021

  1. Eduardo Valls Oyarzun Chair
  2. M. del Mar Rebollo Calzada Secretary
  3. Marga del Hoyo Ventura Committee member

Type: Thesis

Teseo: 156464 DIALNET


The objective of this research is to detect elements with scenic potential in the theatrical texts of the author Rodrigo García, texts defined by himself as theatrical texts, but not dramatic. Lacking dramatic structure and not being able to speak of scenic potentiality according to the definition of drama, elements with scenic potentiality are sought after a selection of five texts from different creative stages and formats, providing us with the enumeration of the treatment of post-dramatic theatrical signs carried out by Hans-Thies Lehmann in Post-Dramatic Theater (2017). Within the framework of incomplete inductive method and the hypothesis of the existence of scenic potentiality in Rodrigo García's post-dramatic texts, these elements with scenic potentiality are identified and enumerated which, in turn, serve us to elaborate a brief proposal of scenic-dramaturgical work for texts with the same characteristics as those analyzed here and post-dramatic staging. Finally, this research is justified by the appearance of new ways of understanding the theatrical text in the stage practice within the past few decades and the lack of theoretical-practical tools that are adapted to its study.