Plataformas bioelectroanalíticas con potencial de multiplexado y multi-ómico para medicina de precisión en el punto de atención

  1. Povedano Muñumel, Eloy
Dirigida por:
  1. José Manuel Pingarrón Carrazón Director
  2. María Pedrero Muñoz Directora
  3. Susana Campuzano Directora

Universidad de defensa: Universidad Complutense de Madrid

Fecha de defensa: 20 de diciembre de 2021

  1. Angel Julio Reviejo García Presidente
  2. Rebeca M. Torrente Rodríguez Secretaria
  3. María Jesús Lobo Castañón Vocal
  4. Martin Bartosik Vocal
  5. Alberto Escarpa Miguel Vocal
  1. Química Analítica

Tipo: Tesis


Since ancient times, one of the greatest challenges of mankind has been its effort to cure the diseases that attack us and to prolong our lives. Despite the great evolution of our knowledge in numerous pathologies, and the development of technologies and methods capable of diagnosing them, their diagnosis usually occurring in advanced stages leads to discouraging prognoses due to the impossibility of applying timely and quality treatments intime. Therefore, society strongly demands the search for new clinical targets for the early diagnosis of diseases and the development of new methodologies that allow both their clinical validation and their simple, rapid, and affordable determination. In this sense, this PhD Thesis has focused on the design and development of novel electrochemical biosensing tools for the detection of biomarkers associated with the onset and development of diseases of high prevalence and mortality such as diabetes,neurodegenerative disorders, and cancer. Moreover, thanks to the characteristics and advantages they present, compared to currently available methodologies, these bioplatforms allow reliable, simple, fast and non-invasive multiplexed analysis of multiple targets, even at different omic levels to achieve a more accurate diagnosis and a more complete molecular characterization of the disease, all focused on the development of a personalized medicine that allows the application of the most appropriate and effective treatments in each particular case...