La reforma del Registro de Entidades Religiosas y la realidad de la Iglesia Católica

  1. Lopez Segovia, Carlos
Dirigée par:
  1. Ricardo García García Directeur/trice
  2. Rafael Palomino Lozano Directeur

Université de défendre: Universidad Complutense de Madrid

Fecha de defensa: 04 novembre 2021

  1. Rafael Navarro-Valls President
  2. José María Coello de Portugal Martínez del Peral Secrétaire
  3. María Moreno Antón Rapporteur
  4. Jaime Rossell Rapporteur
  5. Zoila Combalía Solís Rapporteur
  1. Derecho Internacional, Eclesiástico y Filosofía del Derecho

Type: Thèses


"Introduction" Royal Decree 594/2015 of 3 July 2015, which regulates the Register of Religious Entities, is the first reform of the Register of Religious Entities (RRE) since its implementation by Organic Law 7/1980 of 5 July 1980 on Religious Freedom and the subsequent Royal Decree 142/1981 of 9 January 1981 on the organisation and management of the Register of Religious Entities. The Spanish State recognises, in some ways, the age-old complexity of the internal legal structure of the Catholic Church by publishing the Resolution of 3 December 2015, of the Directorate General for International Legal Cooperation and Relations with Religions, on the registration of Catholic entities in the Register of Religious Entities, in a similar way to when it published the Resolution of 11 March 1982, of the Directorate General for Religious Affairs, on the registration of Catholic Church Entities in the Register of Religious Entities a year after the promulgation of RD 142/1981.These normative circumstances allow us to ask the question about whether the 2015 reform provides a sufficiently adequate response to the specific juridical structure of the Catholic Church and its complex reality; and, if the answer is affirmative, to determine which are the successes, problems and solutions...