Creando un aula mágica con la tecnologíala experiencia usando Classcraft

  1. Montilla, Luis MIguel
Mamakuna: Revista de divulgación de experiencias pedagógicas

Year of publication: 2016

Issue Title: La tecnología: experiencias exitosas para la educación (mayo-agosto)

Issue: 2

Pages: 28-35

Type: Article


Humans are a species that makes technology in the same way that a spider is a species that makes webs. This phrase by Jason Silva (philosopher, filmmaker, self-styled futurist and known for conducting NatGeo's Mind Games program) perfectly frames one of the characteristics that define us and differentiate us from other species. The fact is that today technology is so embedded in our daily lives that we increasingly take it for granted in many aspects of daily life, but in many others, its penetration has been considerably slower. In this case, we will talk specifically about education, the ludification of teaching and a web resource with the potential to completely transform the educational experience.