Migraciones y cambio demográfico en la Comunidad de Madrid (1996-2018)

  1. Mampaso Torremocha, Mario
unter der Leitung von:
  1. Enrique Pozo Rivera Doktorvater

Universität der Verteidigung: Universidad Complutense de Madrid

Fecha de defensa: 08 von Oktober von 2021

  1. Juan Carlos García Palomares Präsident
  2. Beatriz Jiménez Blasco Sekretärin
  3. Arlinda García Coll Vocal
  4. Jordi Bayona Carrasco Vocal
  5. María Jesús González González Vocal
  1. Geografía

Art: Dissertation


There are numerous studies on migration in the Community of Madrid, but for the most part they focus on the study of one of the three major migration flows (international, inter-provincial and intraprovincialor residential mobility). In this Thesis, a comprehensive analysis of the three major flows is made for the first time, which makes it possible to clearly establish the characteristics of the Madrid migratory model. Furthermore, unlike the rest of the publications on migration in the Community of Madrid, the analysis of the different sub-flows that make up international and domestic migration (inter and intraprovincial) is addressed, highlighting the great diversity of flows existing in the region and the importance and characteristics of each one of them. The Thesis raises the clear relationship of migratory flows in their intensity and internal characteristics, with changes in the economic situation. This has led to an original design of the research work. Three major stages have been distinguished taking place alongside with the years of strong economic growth (1996-2007) prior to the crisis, the period of the crisis (2008-2013) and the most recent one withan incipient economic recovery (2014-2018). The identification of these stages enables the temporal changes in the Madrid migration model and its different flows in relation to those variables and indicators that define the changing economic situation...