Prolongación en el tiempo del efecto del esmolol sobre la regresión del remodelado coronario en ratas espontáneamente hipertensas

  1. Martín Oropesa, Raquel
Supervised by:
  1. Carmen María González García Director
  2. B. Quintana Villamandos Director

Defence university: Universidad Complutense de Madrid

Fecha de defensa: 04 October 2021

  1. Juan Francisco del Cañizo López Chair
  2. Ana Esther López Pérez Secretary
  3. Mario Iglesias Vega Committee member
  4. Ana Arnalich Montiel Committee member
  5. Irene Gonzalez del Pozo Committee member
  1. Farmacología y Toxicología

Type: Thesis


Hypertension is responsible for both cardiac and vascular remodeling, leading to adverse cardiac events, such as arrhythmias, heart failure or acute myocardial infarction, increasing morbidity and mortality. There are several antihypertensive drugs that have been shown their ability to reverse this remodeling, thus improving the prognosis of patients, but their beneficial effect appears after months or even years of continuous treatment. Esmolol is a drug that belongs to the group of cardioselective beta-blockers with certain pharmacokinetic peculiarities, with a negative chronotropic effect and an important ultra-rapid and powerful hypotensive effect, widely used in routine clinical practice...