La construcción de la Marca España a través de las redes socialesel caso del alto comisionado para la marca España en Facebook, Twitter y YouTube

  1. Gonzalez Bengoechea, Aitor
Supervised by:
  1. Pedro Javier Gómez Martínez Director
  2. Francisco García García Director

Defence university: Universidad Complutense de Madrid

Fecha de defensa: 12 July 2021

  1. Cristóbal Fernández Muñoz Chair
  2. Carmen Llorente Barroso Secretary
  3. Carlos Fanjul Peyró Committee member
  4. Francisco José Gil Ruiz Committee member
  5. Daniela Melaré Vieira Barros Committee member
  1. Teorías y Análisis de la Comunicación

Type: Thesis


During the last decades, modern society has seen how the internet and social networks have become a primary and central element in everyday life. These technologies have had a direct impact on most areas, modifying their way of working and that of the people involved. Communication has not remained oblivious of these changes and, in fact, has undergone a great transformation with the instantaneousness and globality offered by social networks, affecting in addition to management of business intangibles that is increasingly considered more important as a result of increasing globalization.Related to this globalization and the greater importance of the management of intangibles, the territories have discovered that they compete in a global context against other territories for the attraction of talent, investments and tourism and to improve the position of their goods and services in the world global market. Faced with this situation, the territories, whether they are countries, regions, cities or municipalities, have begun to proactively manage their intangibles in order to have a competitive advantage over the rest of the contenders in this global fight. One of those territories is Spain, which in 2012 created the High Commissioner for the Spain Brand (Alto Comisionado para la Marca España and ACME for its Spanish acronym) as the body responsible for managing the Spain Brand (Marca España) and with the aim of improving the country's image, an institution that was in force until October 2018...