Los retratos en "Las Meninas" de Velázquez

  1. Maqueda de la Peña, Ana
unter der Leitung von:
  1. Antonio Rivera García Doktorvater

Universität der Verteidigung: Universidad Complutense de Madrid

Fecha de defensa: 01 von Februar von 2021

  1. Jordi Massó Castilla Präsident
  2. Miguel Enrique Vasquez Rivero Sekretär
  3. Wenceslao García Vocal
  4. Antonio De Murcia Conesa Vocal
  5. Miguel Corella Lacasa Vocal
  1. Filosofía y Sociedad

Art: Dissertation


An investigation on the portrait was proposed, as it is a rich and complex source of study that contributes specific nuances of its condition as an object of visual representation. The baroque portrait and in particular the portraits of Velázquez's Las Meninas challenge the viewer in a very direct way. We think that this responds to a new look at the world, aware that it is not limited to the closest environment. There are multiple factors that determine this breadth of perspective, such as political changes or scientific advances, but the portrait also operates as an active element within this panorama, not just testimonial. The baroque portrait also has the ability to exert an introspective function on the viewer, as we see in Las meninas. For all these reasons, we believe that its study provides keys to achieve a greater understanding of both the individual and social relationships...