Relaciones intergubernamentales en Colombiacentralización, descentralización recentralización. Factores explicativos de un proceso en curso

  1. Moreno Ospina, Carlos
  1. María Esther del Campo García Zuzendaria

Defentsa unibertsitatea: Universidad Complutense de Madrid

Fecha de defensa: 2021(e)ko otsaila-(a)k 01

  1. Francisco Javier Loscos Fernández Presidentea
  2. Manuel Sánchez Reinón Idazkaria
  3. Mercedes Alda Fernández Kidea
  4. José Hernández Bonivento Kidea
  5. Juan Antonio Ramos Gallarin Kidea
  1. Ciencia Política y de la Administración

Mota: Tesia


This doctoral thesis analyzes the characteristics and evolution of intergovernmental relations emanating from the decentralization process established by the Colombian State in the mid-eighties of the twentieth century. To establish the scope and academic substrate of the analysis, a conceptual framework of decentralization is initially presented and adiscussion on the extent to which the use of the concept of intergovernmental relations is applicable to the Colombian reality. Accepting the possibility of using the concept with a limited scope of the same, it is considered that intergovernmental relations arise and develop in close relationship with the advances, setbacks and evolution of the decentralization process in the country. Decentralization in Colombia is part of a broader process of State reform aimed at recovering the loss of legitimacy caused by the restrictions on democracy gradually imposed by the political system and by the scant presence of state institutions in large portions of the national territory. The provisions adopted at the beginning of the process were characterized by establishing new spaces and institutions for the political participation of citizens, the most relevant aspect being the popular election ofmayors. On the other hand, it was decided to transfer responsibility for the execution of a significant number of important functions for local development and improvement of the quality of life of its inhabitants from the national level to the municipality. These measures configured a new political-administrative reality for the municipalities and the beginning of a bipolar nation-municipality relationship that meant the emergence of intergovernmental relations in the country...