La creatividad verbal como fortaleza pedagógicadiseño, aplicación y evaluación de un programa para Educación Primaria

  1. Sandoval Lentisco, Cristina
Dirigée par:
  1. Olivia López Martínez Directeur/trice

Université de défendre: Universidad de Murcia

Fecha de defensa: 22 juin 2016

  1. María Luisa Sanz de Acedo Lizarraga President
  2. Jesús González Requena Secrétaire
  3. Raquel Gilar Corbi Rapporteur

Type: Thèses


ABSTRACT The principles postulated by positive psychology display a large field to investigate in the education sector. To educate for the effective management of the emotions, the promotion of creativity, optimism, the development of psychological strengths along with an atmosphere of confidence and emotional security (under the flow's effect) is considered essential. All these variables, which belong to the positive psychology field, must be the educational pillar of our system since it allows us the promotion and wellness of our student body. For this reason, and after having made a review of the educational program based on this psychology's branch, we propose to adapt positive psychology as an educational model. As well as other psychological currents have had an impact in education leading to different pedagogical model. On the other hand, this work has paid much attention to creativity as a psychological strength. After having noticed the limits of the study of verbal creativity, we propose a new way of the understanding and evaluation of verbal creativity in school children. For the purpose of the contribution to analysis and comprehension of teaching and student's learning processes, and under the approach of positive psychology, we offer a program to promote verbal creativity of the students of Primary Education. This program owns a global nature as it doesn't only focuses on the curricular part of education (Language and Literature actually) but also on affective (emotions and strengths) and social (interaction and communication) processes. The central axis between the curricular and social-affective content will be the classic tale. The election of this resource is not random since tales are widely considered as a great tool for the encouragement of creative writing while also allow working with psychological strength, social values, etc. This program is administrated to two educational center of the Region de Murcia. In this sense, in this work we are introducing two studies. The first one analyses the construct of verbal creativity and its relation with emotion. Our study determines that creativity consists of two other subdimensions: narrative creativity and linguistic creativity, which are independent but strongly related to each other. Furthermore, we conclude that the instrument used in the measure of creativity has a high reliability. The other study we've made is referred to the application of the designed program and its evaluation. Results show suitability, efficiency and effectiveness, revealing how we can approach curricular content through tales while increasing and working the verbal creativity and social-affective variables. In conclusion, we express the need of a creative education which shows an alternative way of working in Primary School at the same time.