New diagnosis of mother-to-child transmission of HIV in 8 Latin-American countries during 2018
- Hernanz-Lobo, A.
- Ruiz Saez, B.
- Carrasco García, I.
- Mino-Leon, G.
- Juárez, J.
- Pavía Ruz, N.
- Estripeaut, D.
- Pérez, M.Á.
- Erazo, K.
- Castaneda Villatoro, L.G.
- Porras, O.
- Prieto Tato, L.M.
- Navarro Gómez, M.L.
BMC Infectious Diseases
ISSN: 1471-2334
Year of publication: 2022
Volume: 22
Issue: 1
Type: Article