Beneficios de una intervención conjunta con la familia de mujeres con cáncer de mama antes de la cirugía

  1. Natalia Mudarra García 1
  2. Alfonso Meneses Morroy 2
  3. Enrique Pacheco del Cerro 2
  4. Raúl Pérez Muñoz 3
  5. Patricia Martín Casas 2
  6. Juan José Granizo Martínez 4
  1. 1 Doctora en Cuidados en Salud. Hospital Universitario Infanta Cristina. Parla, Madrid (España)
  2. 2 Doctor en Cuidados en Salud. Facultad de Enfermería, Fisioterapia y Podología de la Universidad Complutense de Madrid (España)
  3. 3 Facultativo de Medicina de Familia. Centro de salud Huerta de los Frailes. Leganés, Madrid (España)
  4. 4 Facultativo de Medicina Preventiva. Hospital Universitario Infanta Cristina. Parla, Madrid (España)
Metas de enfermería

ISSN: 1138-7262

Year of publication: 2022

Volume: 25

Issue: 4

Pages: 22-31

Type: Article

DOI: 10.35667/METASENF.2022.25.1003081926 DIALNET GOOGLE SCHOLAR lock_openOpen access editor

More publications in: Metas de enfermería

Sustainable development goals


Objective: to analyse the benefits of a joint intervention with the family of women with breast cancer before surgery, in terms of impact on body image, self-esteem and quality of life. Method: a randomised clinical trial, medication-free, controlled and unblinded with two comparison arms. Both groups received the same healthcare education session: patients in the control group attended alone, and patients in the experimental group were accompanied by a relative. The study included women over 18 years of age who were diagnosed with breast cancer in 2018, waiting for a surgical intervention and living with a close relative. The sample size was estimated at 53 participants, who were stratified according to type of intervention (mastectomy / breast conserving surgery). Sociodemographic and clinical variables were collected; and the BIS Body Image Scale, the Rosenberg Self-esteem Scale, and the QLQ BR-23 questionnaire on quality of life were applied after the surgical procedure. Results: the study included 52 patients, and non-significant differences were found between the control and the experimental arms. Both in general and in each group, there were significant differences (p< 0.001) in body image, with 100% of the experimental group having their complete body image. No differences were found regarding self-esteem or quality of life, except for a lower brachial symptomatology in the women from the experimental arm undergoing breast conserving surgery (p= 0.009). Conclusions: it is essential to integrate the family into the care process for patients with breast cancer undergoing surgery, because this not only reduces the risk of body image disorders but also improves their symptomatology.

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