La formación en competencias del futuro periodista digital en Aragónel caso de la Universidad San Jorge
Universidad San Jorge
- Fernando Sabés Turmo (coord.)
- José Juan Verón Lassa (coord.)
Publisher: Asociación de la Prensa de Aragón
ISBN: 978-84-87175-39-8
Year of publication: 2009
Pages: 223-238
Congress: Congreso de Periodismo Digital (10. 2009. Huesca)
Type: Conference paper
This paper analyses how future cyber journalists of Aragon get instruction andeducation according to San Jorge University study plan which is totally adaptedto the European Higher Education Area. It means that the methodology used inthe classrooms and workshops have been implemented according the Boloniacriteria. Journalists specialized in digital media must develop specific skills andabilities. San Jorge provides them the right tools to become successfulprofessionals in real world.