Blogs y otras herramientas digitales en la enseñanza-aprendizaje de las ciencias de la comunicación en el EEES
Universidad San Jorge
- Fernando Sabés Turmo (coord.)
- José Juan Verón Lassa (coord.)
Publisher: Asociación de la Prensa de Aragón
ISBN: 978-84-87175-39-8
Year of publication: 2009
Pages: 53-64
Congress: Congreso de Periodismo Digital (10. 2009. Huesca)
Type: Conference paper
This paper analyses new proposal to be developed under the European HigherEducation Area (EHEA) and aims teachers to implement the use of new IT’ssuch as blogs, podcastings and wikis as a working-day tool in the classrooms.According to EHEA principles, students must have their own initiative along thelong-life training. This new tools provide them the chance to develop new kindof home works and collaborative assignments. Also, this proposal provides veryuseful tools to establish bidirectional communication between the instructor andthe group and within the group. However, this paper tries to denounce the lackof trust in new ITs in the traditional Education System in our country and inviteinstructors to implement blogs, wikis and poscasting in their relationship withstudents.