Toxic epidermal necrolysis related to pemetrexed and carboplatin with vitamin b12 and folic acid supplementation for advanced non-small cell lung cancer

  1. Bosch-Barrera, J.
  2. Gaztañaga, M.
  3. Ceballos, J.
  4. Pérez-Gracia, J.L.
  5. López-Picazo, J.M.
  6. García-Foncillas, J.
  7. Ferrer, M.
  8. Sanz, M.L.
  9. Pretel, M.
  10. Idoate, M.A.
  11. Gil-Bazo, I.

ISSN: 0378-584X

Datum der Publikation: 2009

Ausgabe: 32

Nummer: 10

Seiten: 580-584

Art: Artikel

DOI: 10.1159/000232315 GOOGLE SCHOLAR