La selección española de fútbol y su impacto en la Marca España a través de la prensa escrita (2008-2018)
- Iñesta Gómez, Alfredo
- Pedro Javier Gómez Martínez Director
- Francisco García García Director
Defence university: Universidad Complutense de Madrid
Fecha de defensa: 03 February 2022
- María Luisa García Guardia Chair
- Pablo Garrido Pintado Secretary
- Paloma Fernández Fernández Committee member
- Beatriz Legerén Lago Committee member
- Javier Trabadela Robles Committee member
Type: Thesis
In the doctoral thesis presented below, we try to study the impact, positive or negative, that the Spanish football national team could have had on the Spain brand or on the concept of Spain as a value in society in the published content of the press during the dispute of the international tournaments of nations in the period of years between 2008 and 2018.Using content analysis as a methodology, we will approach the research design in three steps. The first will be to select the test sample. In this case, the news coverage in the press regarding the participation of the Spanish football national team in the XIII, XIV and XV editions of the UEFA European Soccer Nations Championship and in the XIX, XX and XXI editions of the World Cup of FIFA. The second step will be to establish the coding system. For this, the investigation will analyze the five days after the dispute of the Spanish team in the tournaments previously mentioned in the two generalist newspapers and sports newspaper with the most readers according to AIMC EGM; El País, El Mundo and Marca respectively, as well as the oldest Spanish sports newspaper, Mundo Deportivo. Finally, in step three we will establish the category system to apply, referring to the breakdown of coverage, published content, covers, intangibles and advertising...