Curva de aprendizaje de la ecografía urológica practicada por personal no experimentado en una unidad docente pluriprofesional

  1. Redon Gálvez, Laura
Dirigée par:
  1. Álvaro Páez Borda Directeur/trice
  2. Rafael de Arce Borda Directeur/trice
  3. E. Lledó García Directeur

Université de défendre: Universidad Complutense de Madrid

Fecha de defensa: 02 février 2022

  1. Marcos Luján Galán President
  2. Gonzalo García de Casasola Sánchez Secrétaire
  3. Rafael Rodríguez-Patrón Rodríguez Rapporteur
  4. Carmen González Enguita Rapporteur
  5. Ignacio Romero Cajigal Rapporteur
  1. Cirugía

Type: Thèses


INTRODUCTION: teaching of urological ultrasonography remains entirely empirical; in addition, participation of professional urologists in this duty results in unaffordable costs. Hence, any scenario saving the participation of specialists could result in a reduction of expenses. OBJECTIVES: a novel learning unit was tested were experienced, well-trained nurses acted as monitors of ultrasonography for students of medicine without previous experience. Considering that the learning unit was inserted in the daily activities of the Urology department, it seemed mandatory to evaluate patients satisfaction with the interference. Additionally, bournout cases among the participants were searched. Finally, costs were analyzed...