El periodismo especializado en arte y arquitectura en los suplementos culturales españolesBabelia, ABC cultural y El cultural (1993-2018)

  1. Fernández Maestre, Marina
Supervised by:
  1. Violeta Izquierdo Expósito Director

Defence university: Universidad Complutense de Madrid

Fecha de defensa: 20 January 2022

  1. Paloma Abejón Mendoza Chair
  2. Virginia Linares Rodríguez Secretary
  3. Ignacio Blanco Alfonso Committee member
  4. María del Pilar Mercader Moyano Committee member
  5. Antonio Rodríguez Ruibal Committee member
  1. Periodismo y Comunicación Global

Type: Thesis

Teseo: 157824 DIALNET


The present doctoral dissertation examines journalism specialized in art and architecture,in the print editions of the cultural supplements of three Spanish newspapers with the largest circulation in the nation: Babelia (El País), ABC Cultural (ABC), and El Cultural (El Mundo). The cultural supplements were founded in the 1990s: Babelia and ABC Cultural in 1991, and El Cultural in 1998 (distributed originally with the newspaper La Razón, and later with El Mundo, starting in 1999). The contents of the supplements mentioned above were initially structured as sections according to the various cultural disciplines, and this organization remains up to date. All three supplements consolidate visual arts and architecture into a unified section called Art. The main objective of this dissertation was to analyze the Art sections to understand their current state. The analyses use the year 2018 as a case study and the twenty-five-year period (1993 to 2018) to examine the evolution of the cultural supplements. The results from my research demonstrate that my hypothesis is correct: The noticeable reduction in the length of the cultural supplements during the study period entails a significant decrease in the contents about art, with architecture being severely affected. To undertakemy study and test the central premise, I used methodological triangulation, combining quantitative and qualitative methods (i.e., content analysis and interviews, respectively). Moreover, to record changes in these publications, the analyzed period was divided into lustrums, beginning from the last year studied (2018) and resulting in the study of thefollowing years: 2013, 2008, 2003, 1998, and 1993. For the supplement El Cultural, first launched in November 1998, I started collecting data from 1999...