Descalzas Reales de Madrid, 1931-1945Crónica de una exclaustración y recuperación de la fundación real

  1. Mª Teresa Muñoz Serrulla
  2. Karen Mª Vilacoba Ramos
  3. Ana Sanz de Bremond Mayáns
El franciscanismo en Andalucía. Exclaustración y desamortización de los conventos franciscanos andaluces: (Priego de Córdoba, 24 a 27 de julio de 2007)
  1. Manuel Peláez Del Rosal (coord.)

Publisher: Asociación Hispánica de Estudios Franciscanos

Year of publication: 2008

Pages: 175-196

Congress: Curso de Verano sobre el Franciscanismo en Andalucía (13. 2007. Priego de Córdoba)

Type: Conference paper


Royal Barefooted of Madrid Foundation has been an object of diversehistorical studies Within the time frame of the modern age. Few work has been doneuntil now with the focus on the 19th and the 20th centuries.With the present article, we intend to fill some of this gap. The facts that took placeduring the years of the Civil war and the postwar period are the central topic of thedocumentary study that we present. The chronicles, written by the own religiouswomen is the focus of our interest, on the one hand we try to offer the vision thatthe own protagonists had of the facts happened during that period of time, being thesecularization the principal topic for its transcendence in the life of the community,and on the other hand, the sources that provide these news will be the subject of ouranalysis.