Galaxy clustering with the Dark Energy Surveymeasurement and systematics mitigation

  1. Rodríguez Monroy, Martín
Supervised by:
  1. Ignacio Sevilla Noarbe Director
  2. Eusebio Sánchez Álvaro Director

Defence university: Universidad Complutense de Madrid

Fecha de defensa: 10 November 2021

  1. Juan Abel Barrio Uña Chair
  2. Antonio López Maroto Secretary
  3. Violeta González Pérez Committee member
  4. Jacobo Asorey Barreiro Committee member
  5. David Alonso Monge Committee member

Type: Thesis


In the last decades, cosmology has become a precision science thanks to the observations from the cosmic microwave background (CMB) anisotropies and also from deep and wide cosmological surveys. These surveys observe hundreds of millions of galaxies, improving the statistical power of the data. This, together with the development of massive simulations and the improvement of computational techniques,has made it possible to test the CDM model, also known as the standard cosmological model or standard model of the Big Bang cosmology, to an unprecedented level of accuracy. The Big Bang theory is supported by observational evidence provided by the accelerated expansion of the Universe, the existence and properties of the CMB, the abundances of light elements and the large-scale structure (LSS) observed today. All these observations are explained with great accuracy by the CDM model. It is based on the cosmological principle, which states that there are no preferred positions or directions in the Universe, on the general theory of relativity,as the theory of the gravitational interaction, on inflation, which is a period of exponential expansion of the Universe occurred at its very beginning, and on two mysterious elements: dark matter, that explains the formation of the cosmological structures that we observe today, and dark energy in the form of a cosmological constant, , which explains the expansion rate of the Universe...