Efectos del enriquecimiento ambiental en la recuperación de la adicción: ni enfermedad, ni crónica ni recidivante

  1. José María Ruiz Sánchez de León
Revista española de drogodependencias

ISSN: 0213-7615

Datum der Publikation: 2022

Titel der Ausgabe: Monográfico: Hacia un nuevo paradigma en adicciones

Nummer: 47

Seiten: 144-165

Art: Artikel

Andere Publikationen in: Revista española de drogodependencias


This paper critically analyses the axioms on which the brain disease model of addiction rests: i) it is a disease, ii) it is genetically determined, iii) it is irretrievably developed by drugs, iv) it is explained by the value placed on reward, and v) it is maintained by abstinence avoidance. It is argued that, in the light of scientific findings and under the prism of common sense, each of its axioms is falsifiable. The commonly held idea that self-administering drugs, eating an excess of palatable foods or persistently playing video games produces an incurable disease in people because their brains undergo irreversible changes after repeated performance of the habit is discussed. Subsequently, the classical definition of addiction as a chronic and relapsing disease is deconstructed by analysing the epidemiological data on the supposed chronicity and relapse, providing evidence of recovery as, in fact, the most probable spontaneous course. Finally, and as a common thread throughout the paper, environmental enrichment is proposed as a therapeutic approach and a precursor of the paradigm shift. It concludes with ideas on the need to build a better biopsychosocial model that substantially optimises the care response offered to people who have developed an addiction.

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