Derechos sexuales y reproductivos en mujeres con diagnóstico de trastorno mental graveargumentos y consensos de profesionales en salud mental comunitaria

  1. Valeria Santoro Lamelas
  2. Beatriz Layunta Maurel
  3. María del Carmen Peñaranda-Cólera
  4. Leonardo de la Torre
  5. Anne-Sophie Gresle
  6. María Jesús Pinazo
Anuario de psicología

ISSN: 0066-5126

Année de publication: 2022

Volumen: 52

Número: 1

Pages: 7-16

Type: Article

D'autres publications dans: Anuario de psicología


This study explores the arguments of mental health practi-tioners around the exercise or infringement of sexual and reproductive rights of women with a severe mental health diagnosis, in order to both gain insight and establish priori-ties for further research and intervention actions in the field. Data has been collected applying the Delphy method and a thematic content analysis has been carried out. The results and analysis show evidence that gender interacts with the social stigma associated with severe mental health conditions, positioning these women in vulnerable social situations, which has a negative effect on exercising their se-xual and reproductive rights. These negative effects become evident both in the ambit of their sexuality, which appears characterized by taboo and medicalisation, and in the re-productory sphere, which is characterized by reproductive control and where they are seen as incompetent mothers. Because of the above generated views, these women are pla-ced in oppressive and abusive situations.In conclusion, the following elements have been identified for further research: stigma attached to diagnosis of the se-vere mental health condition, the exercise of the symbolic power over the construction of subjectivity and there pro-duction of social exclusion. Finally, social action guidelines are proposed, leading to the revision of resources, the recognition of women with severe mental health conditions and the establishment processes with the participation of scientific and professional fields as well as the women and their families.

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