Informe pericial psicológicoValoración de un caso de acoso psicológico laboral (mobbing) en la jurisdicción penal

  1. Pedro José Horcajo Gil
  2. Víctor Dujo López
  3. David González-Trijueque 1
  1. 1 Tribunal Superior de Justicia de Madrid

    Tribunal Superior de Justicia de Madrid

    Madrid, España

Psicopatología Clínica Legal y Forense

ISSN: 1576-9941

Year of publication: 2017

Volume: 17

Issue: 1

Pages: 144-162

Type: Article

More publications in: Psicopatología Clínica Legal y Forense


The increasing importance of forensic psychology in Spain has contributed increasingly to expert advice to judges and courts, in those aspects in which the principles of psychology can help to understand people’s legal behavior. The intervention of the forensic psychologist in cases of workplace harassment (mobbing) usually occurs in the social and contentious-administrative jurisdictions. Knowledge of organizational psychology is essential to make a correct differential diagnosis with other psychosocial stressors (e.g., burnout, work stress). Furthermore, comprehensive training in psychological assessment and extensive knowledge of psychopathology are necessary to become a skilled forensic psychologist. This article provides a report on psychological harassment in the workplace (mobbing) carried out by three forensic psychology experts in the criminal jurisdiction, which, despite not being the most frequent pathway, is the jurisdiction where the phenomenon of psychological workplace harassment is best defined (Article 173 of the Spanish Penal Code). The alleged harassment took place within the public administration.