La Querella de las mujeres en el siglo XXI. Teología Feminista y patriarcalización en ambientes católicos

  1. Martínez Cano, Silvia 1
  1. 1 Universidad Pontificia Comillas

    Universidad Pontificia Comillas

    Madrid, España


Carthaginensia: Revista de estudios e investigación

ISSN: 0213-4381 2605-3012

Year of publication: 2021

Issue Title: El futuro de la teología feminista: mirando atrás para ir más lejos.; III-VI

Volume: 37

Issue: 72

Pages: 453-485

Type: Article

More publications in: Carthaginensia: Revista de estudios e investigación


The feminist discourse of the late 20th century, on the diversity of female and male identities, has been subjected to a profound critique of feminist research itself in the plural context of the 21st century. The debate has gone beyond the academic and has extended to the media and the church. We are therefore witnessing an extension of the historical «Women's Quest» which began at the end of the 14th century on the intellectual capacity of women to reflect on themselves and create knowledge. Querelle in the 21st century has centered on the debate about gender, which in the Catholic Christian community creates contradictions and frictions such as defending the equality of women and men, and at the same time, denying that same equality in ecclesial praxis because of sex and gender. The Christian community suffers and experiences a level of tension and tension which makes internal dialogue difficult and which has its causes not so much in theology as in the different anthropologies assumed by its members. The intention of this paper is to help clarify some aspects of the notion of gender and to make visible the different positions on it, as well as to set out some interpretative keys that can favour an internal dialogue, where meeting rather than confrontation is the main thing.

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